I thought Melbourne is the only city in Australia that can have four seasons within the same day...but I was wrong, it can also happen in Sydney!! This photo shoot was very special for me in many ways...
First of all...we've planned this for quite a long time...and there was a 90% chance we have to call it off because I can't get on the flight...actually...I've waited in the Hong Kong airport for two nights (7 flights in total) before I can get on...
After getting on the plane, the flight was delayed by two hours "due to bad weather", which means I won't arrive in Sydney until 10:30am. After getting off the plane (luckily no more delays) I rushed home, took a quick shower and waited for Marco and Valerie to pick me up....

At first the weather was great, as you can see from the photo above...then....

Then thunderstorm starting to closes in....

After taking the photo above, I was stranded on the cliff as heavy rains started...I've tried my best to protect my equipments however my t-shirt was soaked in the mini mud falls that was created from the rain...what an experience!

I've waited on the cliff for more than 5 minutes and decided to climb off because the rain seems like they don't want to stop...and as soon as I got off the cliff...the rain stopped and blue skies appear again....damn it!! Luckily it was blue skies all the way from then on!

Back to the couple....Valerie and Marco married almost three years ago, it was a very special wedding they've had...I still remember the fun we had in their banquet (as well as the very long speeches...heee) can't believe time passes so quickly.

But from what I observed this time, their love and care for each other still haven't changed a bit...not to mention they are still as childish as three years ago....hey...but why does it matters, if it wasn't for their childishness, we would not have such a great time!

They were so co-operative that day, they even won't mind doing "not so stylish" (aka STUPID THINGS) poses and/or requests that I've asked them to...things like...walking along the beaches, kicking water, lying on the wooden jetty with a white dress and even kicking her thongs!!!

We went to "Long Jetty" again, same as last time, it was quiet and peaceful...

We waited for the sun to set and the mood was just perfect!