It was meant to be a very tough day today, however, working with Alex, Dragon, Ming and Jessy changed all that! As usual, it was great fun working with Alex, eventhough I was the "Standard Photographer" today I've learnt so much from him AGAIN, don't know why this guy can improve and learn new things so quickly!

Let's go brothers!

Yes, open door games included the very typical "One Hundred Push Ups", from the look on his should be his 99th push up!

The bride and bridesmaids loved to pose...which certainly made our jobs much easier!

Yes, open door games included the very typical "One Hundred Push Ups", from the look on his should be his 99th push up!

The bride and bridesmaids loved to pose...which certainly made our jobs much easier!

Once again, very "educational" working with Alex again, looking forward in seeing you in Sydney or Hong Kong again very soon!
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