This was my first job after my three months paternity leave and I was very very lucky to have Vince and Eddy as my first couple! They were friendly, talkative, helpful and extremely willing to try new ideas even in such a hot day!
During the dinner time, I found out they've hired Kenneth (from The Stage) for their pre-wedding and Irene (also from The Stage) for their registration...luckily I find this out during dinner...if it was in the morning, I probably will stress myself too much from knowing the two best photographers from The Stage has taken photos for them!

As there was no registration today, we've had plenty of free time in taking photos and also allow us to try many new things, eventhough some of them didn't worked as much as I wanted but it was a great experiences!

Hope my photos didn't disappoint both of you too much and sincerely hope both of you a happy married life!!
During the dinner time, I found out they've hired Kenneth (from The Stage) for their pre-wedding and Irene (also from The Stage) for their registration...luckily I find this out during dinner...if it was in the morning, I probably will stress myself too much from knowing the two best photographers from The Stage has taken photos for them!

As there was no registration today, we've had plenty of free time in taking photos and also allow us to try many new things, eventhough some of them didn't worked as much as I wanted but it was a great experiences!

your pics are wonderful!! We like it very much!
with good ideas, with good photos, with good attitude. Especially on such a hot day! it's also lucky for us with u to be our wedding day photographer.. (thank you Benedict & 'On Jai" as well!!). u see, all members of the "The Stage" team are sooooooo cool!
do looking forward to see all ur masterpiece soon.
vince & eddy
My Name is "Barnabas". 唔係 "Benedict" or "Barnabus" XDDD
Hi Vince and Eddy!
Thank you very much for your compliments!
Alan, Barnabas and On Jai!
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