Imagine under the following long can you (a city person) survives?
- No Internet
- Barely any mobile phone coverage
- No 自來水 and everyone in the village uses the same water source to clean, cook and wash
- No gas and need firewood to cook
- Most common domestic pets are piglets, ducklings and chicks
- Have to share ONE public toilet with over 100 people don't imagine taking a bath
- Waken up by 雞啼 at 5am every morning
- Electrical appliances in the house are 2 lights, a TV, a rarely used electric hot plate and a water machine
- Natural refrigeration (ie:- you hang your uncooked meat on a fence)
Not long? Yes...not long, my wife and I only managed to survived 2 days and 1 night, but many people around rural China are living in similar or even worst conditions or maybe "City People" are taking the conveniences around them for granted.
Having said that, we've enjoyed our (short) stay very much, without mobile phone disturbance and no temptation to go online, we managed to talk and talk with her relatives for over 3 hours after dinner, imagine doing this in HK, I would say this never happened to me for the past 5 years unless it was over a Mahjong Table.
Eventhough life was simple and relatively primitive, I can feel they've enjoyed their life very much, also maybe because without the "City Influences" they were so real, they try their best to make us live comfortably and share what they have without any hesitations.

Front door of my wife's 祖屋, the man was one of her uncle.

View from the attic, to me the view was beautiful, for them, it was just a typical window view in the house.

As the "kitchen" in the house was a bit small to cook for 30 people, they have to cook outside, they are cooking 昆明's traditional 銅鍋 hotpot.

View from the "living room", as you can see, it was very open, airy, crowded and dark.

Village's main street, no car access since it was too narrow.

So lucky to find my friend's (BJai) long lost relatives. BJai: Don't worry about them, they were very healthy and they said they've missed you very much...I also gave them some fresh foods on behalf of you la!

These straws are used to make Tofu.

One of my wife's relative, the food she prepared and cooked for us was so traditional and delicious!

Home of BJai's relatives...

House next door, actually, they've joined us for dinner that night...

This is the one and only water source for the entire village, because of this, the villagers uses it with strict restrictions, one section is to wash clothes, one is to wash foods, one for laudries and one for drinking water...guess which section is for what?! I don't know either...

Another view of my wife's 祖屋.

Supplies of firewood stored inside the kitchen.

Traditional rice cooker, the hat shape "thing" is the cover for the rice cooker where they will steam it with a big wok.
As a "tourist" I have to take some "I was here" photos! These were taken in 昆明's very famous 石林 and it was used as the site for many movies and a recent TVB's series.

Can you see the cat and the mouse in the rock formation above? I can only see the cat but can't see the mouse...
Actually, we meant to make these visits when we went in
May, but we have to cancelled the trip after I fractured my leg on the first night. Luckily I wasn't as clumsy as last time otherwise it will be a big lost for me.