Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sandy and Kelvin

Sandy and Kelvin....what can I say? A wonderful couple and a very well planned wedding, down to the greatest details! Kelvin is a very attentive guy, hard to imagine such type of guy exists today....not only he spent over a year on planning his wedding, he even arranged their grown up slideshow, logo design, which songs to use during different parts of their wedding as well as a special slideshow dedicated to both of their parents!

During the day I've found out the traditional chinese wedding dress worn by Sandy was actually worn by Sandy's mum during her wedding over 20 years ago and I think it is a very special feeling when Sandy's mum saw her daugther wearing her own wedding dress, I hope my daughter will do the same when she grows up!

Eventhough the schedule was not that tight, the weather was not on our side, however, we were blessed that after the ceremony, the sky was cleared for a short while so we can take some outdoor portraits!

Sandy and Kelvin, eventhough my slideshow might not be as good as yours, I still hope both of you have enjoyed it, wishes both of you all the best for the years to come!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Martina and Ray

Today was the first time I've met Martina and Ray as they were based in the US and they've only communicated with The Stage via emails. For me, the feeling is a bit strange as usually, I will meet a majority of my clients at least once or twice face to face or over the phone before the wedding day and I'm a bit worried that I don't have a grasp of what Martina and Ray are like before their wedding day!

As with most people from the States, it turned out Martina and Ray are both very friendly and very nice and of course....with very bright smiles!

Even their friends are you can see one of Ray's brother performing the "teapot dance" routine!

Honestly, I have to say a big thank you to Martina and Ray, because if they didn't decide to take their ceremony at ocean park, it probably will take me another couple of years before I have a chance to go...that's because I probably can't go till my daughter is old enough...and not to mention I've probably lost 3 pounds by sweating under the midday sun for two hours kekeke...

And if it wasn't for this midday sun, I never would have guessed how easy going Martine and Ray they did not complain a single word during the shoot!

It was very nice meeting Martina and Ray and sincerely wishes both of you a very happy married life back in the States!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cookie and Alex

Cookie and Alex are good friends of mine and as with taking photos for friends...I'm always a bit worried, but luckily this time, it is a pre-wedding so if anything goes wrong, we can try it again later....

We started the day in the Northern you can see...the sky was picture perfect!!!

After spending couple of hours in NT, we moved to Yau Ma Tei....

And've guessed it...then we went to Shek O basically...we went from North to South in a single day!!! Eventhough the car ride was a bit longer than expected it was great fun since we joked and talked just like good friends does and I think the shoot went very very well!

The two photos above are my favorites for the day....but after taking these photos...i had a very very bad headache since it was sooooooooooooooooo windy!

The only thing that didn't went to plan was by the time we reach the beach, the sun was pretty much fully set (since we've had so much fun in the rock formations) but to my surprised, the photos were not that bad.

Don't know why...i couldn't stop myself from laughing everytime i see Alex's pose in the photo above hahaha...oh....not to mention Kaikai, our friend and our driver for the day!